Dear Mom, I get it now…

Trials and tribulations of a caffeine-obsessed working mom…

About Me

Hey friends! 🖤

My name is Kellie and I’m from a little map dot in Indiana! I am a wife, mom, leader, sister, daughter, dog mom, cat mom, avid reader, compulsive (obsessive) shopper, serial hobby-est, advocate, social worker, friend & on, and on and on…

Not only have I always loved to type out exactly the things I feel like I need to say, I also need an outlet for all the words I’m pretty sure the world needs to hear… (or, at least as much of the world that will possibly stumble across this blog…).

It’s my hope that I can share some insight and wisdom, help you through a difficult day, or just give you a couple laughs once in a while. I’m here for open, honest communication and being real.

I look forward to sharing LOTS of things with ya’ll!

xoxo 🖤